

The information and presentations provided by Distro Capital, including any additional analysis or data based on company presentations, are for informational purposes only. These materials are confidential and intended solely for accredited investors in the United States who have shown interest in becoming investors in limited partnerships through Distro Capital, which purchases securities in portfolio companies. This is not an offer to sell securities. The information is qualified in its entirety by the confidential private placement memorandum (“PPM”) and other definitive transaction documents, including subscription agreements, terms of membership in Distro Capital, and partnership articles of each investment entity. If you express interest in a particular company, we will provide relevant offering documents detailing the specific partnership, company, and investment criteria.

Distro Capital is not a registered broker-dealer, investment advisor, or underwriter of securities, nor does it act as a registered representative of any broker-dealer. We do not provide investment advice, endorse any investment opportunity, or guarantee investment outcomes. Distro Capital serves solely as a connector, facilitating introductions between companies seeking funding and potential investors, and does not solicit investors on behalf of any company. You are solely responsible for determining whether any investment, strategy, security, or related transaction aligns with your objectives, financial circumstances, and risk tolerance. Investors are urged to perform their own due diligence and consult licensed legal, tax, and financial advisors before making any investment decision.

The presentations and related materials may contain information from third-party sources, including but not limited to documents, data, and photographs. Distro Capital makes no warranties regarding the accuracy or completeness of such information, nor does it guarantee that third parties have included all material facts necessary to prevent these materials from being misleading under the circumstances. Neither Distro Capital nor any affiliates shall be liable for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect, punitive, exemplary, or special damages, regardless of whether it has been advised of the possibility of such damages, in connection with these presentations. Distro Capital cannot accept liability for any inaccuracies or omissions by third parties.

Distro Capital’s analyses and opinions, including “ourtake,” represent Distro Capital’s views on the respective companies and the rationale behind their selection. Investing in early-stage companies presented here is highly speculative and involves significant risk, including the potential loss of the entire investment. Each of these companies is in the start-up, early-stage, or venture phase, and will face considerable risks, uncertainties, and operational challenges. No assurances are provided that these companies will achieve successful operations or profitability, nor that they will generate revenue. Investing is speculative, and potential investors should only invest if they can afford to lose their entire investment.

No public market currently exists for the securities of any presented companies, and there is no assurance that one will develop in the future.

These presentations are for the purpose of a potential private placement of limited partnership interests related to Distro Capital and may not be reproduced, distributed, or used for other purposes. The limited partnership interests have not been registered under the Securities Act of 1933, any state securities laws, or with any governmental authority and may not be resold absent registration or an applicable exemption. Distro Capital’s operations and offerings comply with applicable U.S. securities laws, and these materials are directed exclusively to qualified U.S. investors as defined by relevant securities regulations.

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